The Flag           

 Prospect  Park  Republican  Club 

     America The Beautiful    

Monthly meetings are scheduled for the third Friday of the month on the second floor of the Municipal Building located at 106 Brown Avenue. All prospective members, guests and visitors are welcomed to attend to better acquaint themselves with the club, local happenings, and our strong understanding of personal accountability and fiscal responsibility. This club is not just solely a political institution but serves also as a social unit within Prospect Park. Please, if you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to ask. We welcome you.

ppra  2011

March 20. 2020
Next Meeting:  Friday, CANCELLED! March 20, 2020 at 7:30pm
on the second floor of the Municipal Building, 106 Brown Ave.
Upcoming primary elections. Pizza for all members.

October 22, 2014
The Prospect Park Republican Club held a pasta dinner at LaNeve's Restaurant, 276 Belmont Avenue, Haledon on Wednesday, October 22 at 6:30pm. Theme of the night was in honor of President Teddy Roosevelt, $25.00 per ticket, RSVP  to Tom Magura at 973-790-8253. Cancelled due to family emergency.

October 2013
The Prospect Park Republican Club held a pasta dinner at LaNeve's Restaurant, 276 Belmont Avenue, Haledon on Wednesday, October at 6:30pm. Theme of the night was in honor of President Calvin Coolidge.

March  15, 2013
The Prospect Park Republican Club held it's monthly meeting along with a St. Patrick's Day celebration. Corn Beef and Cabbage will be available. Tucanes Restaurant, 299 N.8th Street,.We just ask for $4 per person (at the door). Please RSVP  to Tom Magura at 973-790-8253.

November 3, 2012
Eisenhower Birthday Breakfast - Saturday, 9am at La Neve's Restaurant, 276 Belmont Ave, Haledon, NJ 07508 - Donation $20.00, RSVP Nov. 1, Checks payable to Prospect Park Republicans 2012, 973-790-8253 for more info

June 25, 2011
The Prospect Park Republican Club held a breakfast at LaNeve's Restaurant, Haledon, on Saturday, June 25 at 9am. For tickets at $20 per person, contact Tom Magura.

March  26, 2010
The Prospect Park Republican Club held it's monthly meeting along with a St. Patrick's Day celebration. Corn Beef and Cabbage will be available. We just ask for $3 per person (at the door). Please RSVP by Wed. March 24 to Tom Magura at 973-790-8253.

October 14, 2009
The Prospect Park Republican Club held a pasta dinner at LaNeve's Restaurant, 276 Belmont Avenue, Haledon on Wednesday, October 14 at 6:30pm. For tickets at $30 per person, contact Tom Magura.

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